a league of angels

I was within a couple of miles of my exit. I changed lanes. A white business van moved in front of me. Darn elephant I thought to myself and within that window of thought, I caught a glimpse of something wrong.

Two cars in front of the white van lost control. One spun and was heading the wrong way on the shoulder coming towards me, the other was a dust cloud obstructed. The white van slammed their brakes and cars in front moved to make safe distance while a white commuter van behind me skidded to the side to avoid slamming into me. Several cars braked and angled toward the shoulder.

At the standstill, I was safe. White elephant in front and a bigger one behind me with others angled toward the shoulder. The car that was going the wrong direction was finally able to stop… Facing the wrong way on the highway within yards of cars on the shoulder..next to me.

Good God!

My league of angels’ hello comes at an interesting time.

Life had been precarious this past week.

I spent the early part of the year preparing a student to perform at his bar mitzvah party four hours a week. On top of my private piano teaching practice, I studied flamenco dance five hours a week, and had eight hours of knl dance rehearsal in preparation for a big show at the Getty.

Life just recently crescendo’d to relative stillness. I’m restless and haven’t seen my family since last year. (I enjoyed them for a few minutes after the show but couldn’t spend much time with them before they headed back to San Diego).

My car decided it was time to demand love and is not feeling happy (good thing I’m driving like a cautious granny) And many of my students are off on spring break.

So why is this an interesting time for my league of angels to say hello?

Because I’ve been living an insane schedule since the new year and now I’m forced to move slowly and mindfully. (no no no don’t go on you red light you…nice car, nice car)

If I wasn’t teaching or rehearsing I was recovering. I was excited and the adrenaline floated me these past months, but I had a couple of lapses. Twice I needed a matzo ball soup intervention and friends made care packages of vitamins.

And yet, I had time to fall in love. More on that another time.

Bar mitzvah was awesome. Watching my students face light up while he played for several hundred of his guests was wonderful. I love my students and miss them when I don’t see them and appreciated their support and flexibility with my rehearsal and performance schedule. Flamenco studies and performances in happy place. A flash mob event is currently on the horizon. And the Getty. Wow. What an experience of hard work and joy. That’s us in the picture above. Next big show will be in San Diego. Yay. My family and friends will be able to see us.

So you can imagine how restless it is to not be rehearsing as much. Bar mitzvah…done. Teaching schedule …readjusting and not stable yet. Car…a bit scary to drive.

But that car and life told me to slow down and had I not…

Perhaps I would’ve been squished between two white elephants.

During precarious times, this negativity slayer is going slow down, take care and let my league of angels guide. If you saw the position I was in yesterday, you’d agree that they are badasses.


~ by jnetsworld on March 27, 2012.
